CDR RDT: Carbon Dioxide Removal Responsible Deployment Trainings

Achieving gigaton scale carbon removal requires unprecedented levels of community engagement to earn the social license to operate, maximize benefits, and minimize risks. CDR RDT offers a suite of resources and trainings on the responsible deployment of carbon removal. The introductory resources are developed by Carbon Business Council and our partners, with input from many experts.

COMPLETE: Responsible Deployment Training

Designed for carbon removal practitioners and developed with an advisory committee of experts, this introductory online course offers lessons about responsible deployment, community engagement, and more. A certificate of completion is shared at the end of the one hour training.

SIGN: Ethical Oath to Restore the Earth

The Oath to Restore the Earth, launched in 2022, is the premier ethical standard for the carbon management industry. Invoking the ethical oaths that doctors and lawyers with tenets specific to carbon management, professionals in the industry are invited to sign.

INCREASE KNOWLEDGE: Resources on Responsible Deployment

The Carbon Business Council maintains a running list of more than 250 resources focused on the intersection of carbon removal, community engagement, and environmental justice. The list is curated by Delaney Pues, a Senior Fellow at the Carbon Business Council.

IDENTIFY: Local Social & Environmental Factors for Projects

The Carbon Action Alliance created an interactive tool to identify social and environmental factors for building carbon management projects in Louisiana. The tool is specific to Louisiana, but identifying factors like these applies across projects in the U.S. and globally.

PREPARE: Community Benefit Agreements

The Sabin Center published a guide on Expert Insights on Best Practices for Community Benefits Agreements (CBAs) and compiled a database of publicly available CBAs. CBAs are legally binding contracts between project developers and host municipalities and/or local community groups.

JOIN: Workshops on Project Deployment

The Carbon Business Council, in partnerships with leading academic institutions and nonprofits, provides in-person workshops on community engagement and community benefit agreements on an ongoing basis to deepen knowledge and exchange best practices.

CDR RTD Is Made Possible By Support & Collaboration From Our Partners

Please contact us with any questions, concerns, or feedback.

The road to gigaton scale carbon removal is an uncharted journey and we are committed to learning and improving along the way. We value your feedback and suggestions.